Julian Bozeman Education

Hi Iā€™m going to speak in first person here:

I have worked in arts education since 2013. Whether in schools or in the studio, my work centers on building two critical skills in young artists; technical ability and openness to experimentation. The development of technical ability builds a sense of independence and self-confidence. Openness to experimentation leads to fruitful collaboration and a willingness to try new things.

I teach technical ability with the mediums of drawing, color theory, video, and sound/music. With my guidance, young artists develop their drawing skills, understand color theory, and learn how audio/video equipment works from pre to post production.

I teach openness to experimentation through process based lessons with video and sound. I demystify the mediums and provide an entry point for young artists to begin using professional tools. This often takes the form of collaborative sound and video compositions, wherein each collaborating young artist is represented.

My personal work addresses the integration of old and new technologies, and this is precisely what I enjoy doing with young artists. The tools that are at our fingertips (phones and computers) are based on physical objects. To better understand the tools currently available, it is important to understand the objects that inspired them.

I am passionate about empowering young artists to believe in their own maturity, to respect the fragility of the tools, and to understand how the tools work. I am inspired when watching the mindset shift in young artists when they understand that operating professional equipment is a large responsibility and requires body and mind awareness. Even high energy kids gain composure and stand up to the task of being a responsible equipment operator.